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Throughout the year each grade level works through six different transdisciplinary units of inquiry to better understand the world around us. These units of inquiry are as follows; Who We Are, Where We Are in Place and Time, How We Express Ourselves, How the World Works, How We Organize Ourselves, and Sharing the Planet. It is important to note that the six units of inquiry are the same throughout the 1st-5th grade. This is due to the programme of inquiry being a long-term plan that provides students the opportunities to evolve their theories, address misconceptions and deepen understanding. 

Through the programme of inquiry, students build upon what they have learned in previous years and extend their understanding of the transdisciplinary themes as they revisit them throughout their education. Our well-designed programme of inquiry at TMSE ensures students experience a balance of subject-specific knowledge, conceptual understandings, and skills, as well as opportunities to develop the attributes of the IB learner profile.